Principles of the Second Series with Rose Ann

Saturday 30th of October 10.30am-12.30pm and then 1pm-2pm

The Intermediate Series (Second Series) of Ashtanga yoga is (unsurprisingly!) a demanding, yet compelling practice, involving challenging postures.

This workshop is designed to help you get the most out of your Intermediate practice:
• Learn how to build on the foundations you’ve created in Primary Series;
• Look at what each posture involves and how to work towards achieving it;
• Harness the breath and the correct vinyasa to achieve more.

Book Your Place Now Link, and allow me to share my experience, knowledge and passion with you as you work through the Second Series of Ashtanga Yoga.
Bestselling Author, Gill Hasson writes in her book ‘Mindfulness Pocketbook’:

‘Being non-judgemental means that rather than evaluate what is happening, rather than see something as ‘good’ or ‘bad’, ‘right’ or ‘wrong’, you just experience or observe it.’

This is the mindset I want you to take with your practice when you are joining us for this workshop. The mat is a judgement free zone, so allow yourself to be in the moment.

In this workshop we’ll focus on the three fundamental areas of the physical postures within the Intermediate Series:
• Backbends; postures like Ustrasana, Laghuvajrasana, Kapotasana
• Leg-behind-head postures like Eka Pada, Dwi Pada, Yoganidrasana
• Arm balances. Bakasana A and B, Tittibhasana A, B and C, Pincha Mayurasana
These are the postures we will be working towards during the workshop.

Morning Session: 10.30am- 12.30pm
We begin in the morning with the Sun Salutation and the fundamental standing postures up to Utkatasana. And then we will start to explore the Intermediate Second Series, beginning with Pasasana up to Pincha Mayurasana. We will be giving modifications if needed.
Afternoon Session: 1pm-2pm
Counted Intermediate Second Series session with modifications as appropriate.

Who is this workshop suitable for?

To get the full benefit of this workshop, we suggest that you are comfortable with the Primary Series and know the sequence of the postures in the correct order. If you are already familiar with the Second Series, or are keen to start working with it, we would love to have you!

Book your place now and join us to explore the depth and the possibilities to be found within Intermediate (Second) Series…
