Workshop 2: Enhancing Hip and Lumbar Mobility for Yoga




Mobility Workshops with Marc Dinardo

Workshop 2: Enhancing Hip and Lumbar Mobility for Yoga

Sunday 19th May 2024, 1-3pm £35

Are you ready to take your yoga practice to new heights? Join us for the second instalment of our Mobility Workshop series, where we’ll focus on the dynamic interplay of hip and lumbar mobility – essential for a strong, flexible, and pain-free practice.

In partnership with MD Therapy, we’re committed to equipping yogis with the knowledge and tools to enhance your mobility journey. In this workshop, we’ll dive deep into the anatomy of the hips and lumbar spine, illuminating the pathways to improved flexibility and range of motion.

Led by MD Therapy’s team of Sports Therapists and Clinic Manager, you’ll discover a range of targeted exercises designed to strengthen your glutes, hamstrings, and surrounding muscles while expanding the scope of your hip joint mobility. Through interactive sessions and practical demonstrations, you’ll learn how to seamlessly integrate these exercises into your yoga routine for optimal results.

Moreover, we’ll share invaluable insights into self-care techniques, including manual therapy, empowering you to nurture your body between yoga sessions and prevent injuries along the way.

Whether you’re seeking to deepen your poses, alleviate discomfort, or simply move with greater freedom, this workshop is your gateway to unlocking the full potential of your hip and lumbar mobility.


Workshops cost £35 each or book both for £60. Use the coupon code ‘MARCBOTH’ to claim your discount.

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